Because the father is not good making good relationships with his wife and his workplace.,he has to get divorced with her and leave there. It is said that communication is the most important thing to survive over future worlds. I understood the reason why many people who are older than
me say that communication skill is important.It is very simple. It is essential that many people have to communicate with others to do something inevitable for them,for example, when they want to buy something, they have to talk to someone related the item they want. I think communicating is a part of a basic tool to live,but it is useful and essential.It is connected to my major subject. I am in English department in which communicating is considered as the most important thing. In the movie importance of communication is enhanced.
Finally, I expect that all of family members feel happy by coming true their hopes,for example,in the father's case, his communication skill become surprisingly good. If so, their family will become a good family,and His extra wife will hear a rumor that he has changed his attitude. After that, she will come back to his house and fall in love with him again. It seems very happy end. I think this way to end the movie is definitely strange though.
(414 words)
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