
BR 1-07: The HOUSE of Shadows

Contents of this book are kind of horror. Two people are central character. Both of them are young and curious for uncovering secrets. One day, they had to leave their parents and live another house far from their previous house. The house is dirty and dark. Ghosts are likely to appear in the house.
First they started to look around the house at night,and one of them noticed something happening in the house,and there is a mirror.

In the story, the mirror is so important for them to find out why something happen in the house.It is used to look past family who lived in the house. Although they had been enjoying living there,one day tragedy happened,so they died. If you want to know of detail of tragedy, please read this book.The more story goes, The more both of young people find out,and Ghost don' appear in the house.

I think Ghosts are around the world. I don't know why though. We, people, have something different,for example,color of skin,culture, habit in each country,so There are differences between Ghost Japanese people think and people who live other countries. This is interesting is it? In this book,I noticed that there are differences between what I imagine about Ghost and Ghost described in this book. You will also find something different what you think about ghost by reading this book.

In this book,some difficult English words are used,so if you ignore words you don't know and keep going,you don't understand whole story. I think it is important for readers to understand this kind of story for the future when readers talk to American or British.

I highly recommend. This book is in KGU library.
Preference:Lesley Sims 2004 The HOUSE of Shadows



Stories of this book ,as title shows, are long adventures. When I read this book, In fact  I didn't use dictionary ,so I don't think that I  understand all of the contents in this book,but let me review this book.

First the title of  'Ulysses'  is a person who go on a long journey to somewhere. Before he started to go on it, his princess had been kidnapped by soldier who live another country. Purpose of his journey is to just help his princess. I think the contents were based on ancient war or situation.

There were many happenings during his long journeys,for example, a giant man appeared in an small island where the king arrived first on the way to his princess.Before the giant man appeared , Ulysses and his crews looked around, and they found a cave. After that, they drunk and eat dairy in it. Then a giant man appeared,and his some crews were eaten by the giant man. I think the giant man looks like my acquaintance who is my classmate when I was junior high school student. he was strong and selfish. Although the giant man in this has one eye, my classmate has two eyes.

As a result of his long journey are successful because of his brave actions. He was brave. I want to be like him not the giant man in the future. He was also skillful to use arm.

I want people who like adventure to read this book. During reading this book, Reader will enjoy imagining journey.The pictures of this books are very interesting. Please enjoy this book both stories and picture
Reference:Lesley Sims 2006 THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF Ulysses

BR 1-05: The Emperor's New Clothes

In this book, a story is written. The story is likely to happen even now. I think the rich always try to get something expensive, unique,rare. The rich sometimes become strange by trying to get something like that.

Central character of this book is a king. He tries to wear clothes he has never worn every day. One day he considered how he can have a lead from other people. After that, Two strange people appeared in front of the king. Then they suggested to him that they make his new clothes,and he accepted it. Actually, they don't have skill to make clothes ,in other words, they are just liar,but the king doesn't know it,so he served them anything they needed. I think as if he is a slave for them.

What I learned by reading this book is that It is very dangerous for people to be into something excessively. In my experience, I bought many shoes which are expensive for me. When I bought them, I was so into shoes that I couldn't think other things.

I recommend this book to people who don't know their current situation. This book will have you notice something important or to do now.I also noticed what I should do now. It is to write BOOK REVIEW.Anyway, you will enjoy reading this book. This book is written easy English,so you don't have to hesitate to read this.
Reference:Lesley Sims 2005 The Emperor's New Clothes


At first, for people who don7t know meaning of GLADIATORS, GLADIATORS are people who are forced to fight against other GLADIATORS or animals. Although this book was written for children, you(university students)  will learn something you have never heard or seen,for example, the process
how people became GLADIATOR in ancient age, how different types GLADIATOR were, the rules how they decided to fight each other etc. If you are interested in knowing of Europe ancient, you will enjoy reading this book.

The story in this book I was impressed is that there were developments for enjoyments for audiences. As you know, it was important for GLADIATORS to interest audiences. They tried to interest audiences by changing rules of fight, situation of fight, clothing they wear during fight.. I had not known until I read this book that Ancient people tried to change something. I had regarded
most of ancient people as people who didn't think anything deeply or believed myth strongly. What I am writing seems look down on ancient people,but it is my real opinion. I know that there were many people who were very smart, strong ,great though.

As a result of having read this book, I highly recommend this book to my friends because I think many important English words are used ,in addition to it,readers can learn expression. This book is easy to read for a short time about 30 minutes or so,but if you don't have time to read this completely,then please read in the last part of book. Reader can see the chronology of Rome.
reference: Jane Chisholm 2006 GLADIATORS



In this book, there are 6 chapters. In 1 chapter, A old man come up. he is not just a beat-up man but he is an inventor. His name is Puff. He invented many inventions. I think his inventions are useless with the exception of KABOOM. It is very useful. Its functions are to change something or somebody to smaller size or bigger size themselves. Another child also come up in chapter . his name is Sam.  
Even though he is very young, he and Puff stick together. their relationships are mysterious. I couldn't understand until the end of this book. Anyway they are important in this book. One day, Mr.Puff invited Sam to his house,and showed eggs looked stupid. Although Mr.Puff is an inventor,he showed Sam eggs. After that, they enjoy watching progress of eggs. They move many times. As a result, all of the eggs shuttered and Dinosaurs come up. they grow up rapidly. After 5 days go by, they are tall than Mr.Puff,so he has to use KABOOM. I can't explain function of KABOOM in detail here. If you want to see the rest of the stories, please imagine yourself or talk to your friends thinking your idea about this book.
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reference:Maria Wheatley1994THE DINOSAURS NEXT DOOR

BR 1-02: Cinderella

Cinderella is one of the most famous stories around the world. You maybe know story of Cinderella, but let me explain about it. In Cinderella, A woman is central character. she lives with some some family members,and she always has to do anything they ask her. Although her life had been terrible, at the moment she got information on being held Christmas Ball, her life is becoming happy step by step like climbing up stairs,but there are many obstructions. First she has to be given an approval to go to Christmas Ball from her Stepmother,but it is so hard for her to do it,so she gives up. After her roommates went to Christmas Ball, she has to decorate a tree in her house as she was asked to do it from her step mother.she was crying when she was decorating a tree. After she finished it, she sat
down. Suddenly, A old woman come up to help Cinderella go to Christmas Ball. Cinderella is anyway poor,and she looks ugly by part of clothing she wears,so A woman used magic,and Cinderella's appearance changed so dramatically. Her ugly clothing changed to gaudy dress,and she can have shoes which are transparent made by glass. Her dramatic story is coming from about this,so if you want to know the rest, please check out this book from KGU library. This book is written easy English.
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reference:Lesley Sims2004Cinderella

BR 1-01: Stories of Dragon

In this book, as title shows, there are Dragon's stories.In chapter 1, many kinds of  Dragons' introductions. After I read this chapter , I want to see a dragon which has a lot of treasures,and I will  
convince it of giving me some treasures. Other Dragons are typical Dragons you can imagine , for example, A Dragon which beats up people with flame blowing out. I want to do same action like blowing out flame. Although I can't  do it, I can blow out a breath. I hope that Blowing out a sight       will change to blowing out flame. In chapter 2, a man come up. He has many children, he doesn't have enogh money though. He had heard that by beating up a dragon one day, so he decided to go to a place where wise Dragon live. As a result, he is more smart than a wise Dragon,and he could get money enough to raise his children. The rests of the chapters are 2 chapters. As a whole, this book is written by easy English, so if you are in English department, you may be able to understand all of stories without dictionary.Please try this book.
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reference: Katarina Dragoslavic1980 Stories of Dragon


A Letter to Housemates

I am pleased you have decided to let me stay at your home in Canada. How is the weather in Canada? In this letter, I want to introduce myself and everything related to me. I major in English at KGU where many students study English eagerly. I hope to be a member of them.Department of KGU consist of six departments which are Commercial Science department,Second Commercial department,the economics department,language department which I am in,social welfare department, KGU is a famous University in Kumamoto prefecture.Japanese Universities differ from Universities of Canada. Japanese universities usually start the semester on April.There are many differences between Japanese Universities and Canadian Universities that i would like to learn about. I enjoy to study English with friends who are kind and eager. A lot of teachers I am taught by  deserve respect. They have their own characteristic personality.

Also I want to inform you of my hobbies. When I have some free time ,I often read a variety of books from non-fiction to fiction. I will try to read The economics on the internet so that I become interested in knowing something happen around the world. Another my hobby is to collect information related to fashionable items such as caps,shoes,clothes,etc. I want to go abroad by saving money ,but I intend to spend money on fashionable items,so I need assist from parents part of even money.How style is fashionable in Canada? I also want to know that. Since I am native Japanese,I want to teach you something 

Japan or Japanese culture you want to know. What kind of Japan do you want to know. Let me introduce one thing about characteristic of Japan. Because Geological of formation of Japan is piled up intricately,More earth quake occur in Japan than Canada.Just because many earthquake occur in Japan Japanese people don't lay by them because earth quakes are so mysterious for example when and where occur
When I arrive, I will ask you many question,so please ask me many questions instead.
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My Startup Labels

books, brainstorms, drafts, essay prep., essays, free-writing, graphics, links, media, movies, outlines, quickposts, reviews, [revisions,] typing, websites


Favorite fruits and favorite vegitable(Speaking assignment)

I like cabbage because its taste and smell are  so good that I can't stop to eat it, and I like pineapple because its shape and smell are unique.


In writing class.

In writing class, I had to measure how many words I can write per 5 minutes. Although Prof. Tomei said he could write 500 words per 5 minutes, I could only 79 words about TOEIC. Writing many words per 5 minutes was difficult. I have to practice writing to become able to write something quickly and accurately.Although I will write about TOEIC in more detail in the future,the contents I wrote during writing is below.
. TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication. There are 7 secions in TOEIC test First 4 sections are listening section,and Later 3 sections are reading section. In part 1, we have to see 10 pictures,which each announcement heard. Recently this section has becoming difficult more and more, such as, appearance of people, difficult words, words which are difficult to distinguish from correct answer. 66words.
I am not good at writing quickly.
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Today's schedule including Speaking class

Although today's blog title seem Speaking class to be indistinctive ,TODAY's Speaking class was fun anyway. I will write about it in detail later in this article. I went to KGU today from 10:40 class. The class is called introductory of international law.In it class, I learned that I have never considered.Since today is the first class of it , teacher teach us a little international law. Do you know what international law is for? My I answer is that I don't know. Something I learned today is ,for example, treaty is entered relations between one country and the other country, among over three countries, or between organized institution and the other organized institution.Others, Kosovo which  is a region which had been included as a region of Serbia, but it could attain independence from Serbia in 2008. Even though Kosovo may be a country because of having attained independence,but it's government have been trying to become a member of United nations to be regarded as a country internationally. I think contents of the class are boring or something hard to understand,Teacher seems to be kind during class she seem to be peppery though. Her best point is that she can give us an extra point by giving a reading or answering question each class. These extra points will be included in evaluations of ours. Full point is 30. I already got 5 points by answering her question,so if I can answer her question with five times,then I don't need to attend her class,but I will attend. Her class is ,as I said above, boring or difficult,but it may be informative.Next class was Physical class. At the beginning of the lecture, there were too many students to get lectured. Classroom was so crowed and annoying by students chatter. I hoped then that everyone says something they want to say by using tweet on the internet to hush up. After 
I waited few minutes and Teacher came to classroom,and he said loudly that this was mistake by people of instruction section.  That's why we had move to another room to accommodate  all of us. The another room was not enough for us,and people who can't be seated got lectured without paper most of students distributed, so the teacher            
was worried that all of students could understand anything that he had to inform today.Since he is kind actually, he gave up giving lecture today in a short time. Last, I took 4 th periods which was Speaking class taught by Prof. Tomei. In that class, I could talk to people I've never talked since i entered KGU. Prof.Tomei said to mens that didn't be shy to talk to women. By having been said such a thing, I hesitated to talk to women. I anyway enjoyed taking his lecture. I7m looking forward to taking next Speaking classand I will bring 700 yen with me.
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